YouTube Video Blog Posts

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#98 Chord Symbols Explained: How To Work Out The Notes For ANY Chord

harmony & theory Nov 29, 2020

In this week's free online saxophone lesson you'll be learning how to understand chord symbols, and quickly work out the notes for ANY chord. Too many of my students are still flummoxed by simple chord symbols, so I thought it was time we got it sorted! 

Be sure to pick up your free chord symbols PDF cheat sheet, which has got the formula for working out ANY chord symbol, in two different ways. Here are the Q&A topics covered in this lesson, with video time stamps (min:sec). Clicking on the time stamp will take you straight to that portion of the video on YouTube (in a separate tab). Full Time stamps for the video and a complete transcript are available at the bottom of the blog.




#5 Learn How To Read Music

beginner harmony & theory Feb 10, 2019

In this free video lesson, for absolute beginners on saxophone (or any treble clef instrument), you'll learn how to read written music notation.
Music notation can seem like weird hieroglyphics at first but by the end of this lesson you should have a good grasp of the basics. It's actually quite easy to read music when you know how!
For all the free sax lessons in my Complete Beginner's Series click here.
Here are the Q&A topics covered in this lesson, with video time stamps (min:sec). Clicking on the time stamp will take you straight to that portion of the video on youtube (in a separate tab). Full Time stamps for t...

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