Fed up with your thin, squeaky tone? Wanna create a full, rich sax sound instead? Here's how you do it...
If you're frustrated with thin sounding palm key notes, reluctant low notes and an uneven tone across the horn, and you can't find the answer on YouTube or with a new mouthpiece, then Total Tone Mastery is the solution you've been looking for to create the full, rich sax sound you've always dreamt of...
WARNING - You're probably gonna cry when you watch this...
Pleeeease...take a few minutes to watch this extraordinary video featuring some of my inspirational students.
You'll see how the course changed changed THEIR lives, and you'll get a taster of the transformation YOU can expect with Total Tone Mastery.
Full disclosure...this gets me EVERY time, so get your tissues ready!
If you’re reading this then you must be interested in developing your sax sound, so here’s a question to get you thinking…
How come you practice long notes all the time, but you still don’t have a rich, warm pro sound, and you struggle to get low notes out, play the palm keys or get a consistent sound across the full range of the horn?
Mouthpiece manufactures will convince you that their product will give you the sound you want, as will the saxophone manufacturers, but here's the dirty secret they don’t want you to know...
A pro player will sound good on virtually ANYTHING they play!
Have you ever upgraded your sax set up, hoping it will transform your sound, only to be disappointed when you realise you still sound almost the same as before?
What if I told you that controlling your vocal tract and embouchure has FAR more influence on your sound than your equipment does?
Hopefully you’re starting to see that the key to the awesome sound you’ve always wanted is YOU, not your gear...
Now, while you ponder that, let me tell you a quick story...

I started off in exactly the same situation as you, so I can totally relate to your frustration.
In the early days I could have stripped wallpaper with my tone - just ask my mum about the terrible squeaks and strained high notes she had to endure!
But after I came back from a summer jazz course in my teens I set my heart on becoming a musician.
I gathered all the information I could from the best teachers I could find and I turned things around, eventually going to a prestigious London music University, armed with a sound I could be proud of.
And guess what? I did it all using the same reeds, mouthpiece and sax that I started with!
But why did my practice hours translate to a career as a pro saxophonist, and your practice hours translate to more squeaks and a thin tone?
Well, here’s the answer to that vital question...
After more years of obsessive study and research I finally uncovered the secret formula behind every great sax tone, and you might be surprised what I discovered.
Having a very relaxed embouchure is vital, but much of the formula revolves around your larynx and vocal tract, and tell me this - how many YouTube videos have you seen recently about increasing the acoustic impedance of your vocal tract by closing your glottis?
Nobody’s talking about it, but it’s one of THE most important techniques you have to master to get the sound you’re searching for!
Once I’d discovered the formula and learned to control all the anatomy hidden inside my throat, my sound just came alive.
Using this surprising formula, I’ve enjoyed a fantastic career as a pro saxophonist since 1995, playing all over the world with some of the world’s biggest artists...
- Chaka Khan
- The Temptations
- Incognito
- Wet Wet Wet
- Joan Armatrading
- Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
- The Four Tops
And I owe it all to my calling card...
My Sound

But getting back to the elephant in the room, maybe you’re now thinking “Ok, sure, I’d love to feel the buzz of performing with a consistent, pro-sounding tone - and maybe it’s not all about the gear after all, but...
...how can someone like me, with little knowledge, ever achieve that sound?”
Well, I'm here to tell you that whether you’re sixteen or sixty, there’s only one thing stopping you creating the sound you’ve always imagined and that's access to the RIGHT, specialised information.
Anyone can do it - you just need to know HOW!
Well, for the first time, you’ve now got access to the real secrets of pro sound production, in one fully comprehensive, start to finish package. Say hello to...
Total Tone Mastery

"Total Tone Mastery is very accessible, and with its easily digestible content, seems to be the best course for developing sax sound that I have tried (and I have tried nearly everything available). No wonder so many sax players are dissatisfied with their sound ...we have only learned part of the story."
- Paul Klazek
About Total Tone Mastery...

It's An Online Only Video Course
You'll enjoy high quality 1080 HD video lessons, showing you exactly how to get the sax sound you've always dreamt of

You Can Access The Lessons From ANY Device
Formatted for any screen, you can stream Total Tone Mastery from any device with an internet connection, so you'll never miss a lesson

It's Simple To Use And Easy-To-Follow
The lessons are presented in a graceful, easy-to-follow interface, your progress is saved between sessions and every exercise is demonstrated step by step

You'll get Lifetime Access With One Fee
For a one-off payment you'll have unlimited access to Total Tone Mastery, and you won't be saddled with recurring monthly fees
Is Total Tone Mastery suitable for YOU?
This course will be a perfect fit for you, if you struggle with...
- overtones
- low notes
- palm key notes
- altissimo
- pitch bending
- growling
- intonation
- squeaks
And you'll get huge benefit from the course if you want to improve your...
- embouchure
- consistency of tone
- vocal tract control
- breathing mechanics
- air control
- vibrato

Here are some of the benefits you'll enjoy with Total Tone Mastery...
- You’ll learn exactly how to breathe and control your air stream so you can properly support your new sound, which means you won’t run out of gas in the middle of a phrase as you perform your favourite song
- You’ll learn exactly what’s happening “under the hood” of your sax and you’ll finally understand why your altissimo notes aren’t coming out, which means you can start to master that third octave without busting your lip or getting frustrated
- You’ll learn exactly how to form the perfect embouchure so you can eliminate squeaks and confidently play with a smooth, rounded sound
- You’ll learn vocal tract exercises based on new cutting edge scientific data captured from inside the vocal tract, so you know exactly how to move your vocal cords, larynx, throat and tongue, which means you won’t have to rely on wishy washy descriptions from YouTube based on hunches and feelings
- You’ll learn a new method for long tones that will give you a consistent sound from top to bottom, and you’ll find out why your current long notes practice might be doing more harm than good
- You’ll learn how to make your sound brighter or darker WITHOUT changing mouthpieces, so you can adapt your tone quality and play in any genre without altering your set up
- You’ll discover why I call overtones practice “The Mothership”, and you’ll learn the single most important, bang-for-buck daily exercise that will transform your intonation and give you a full, pro-sounding tone
- You’ll get a complete practice plan based on your level of experience, so you know exactly what to work on, which means you won’t have to second guess if you’re practicing the right things each day
- You’ll get easy to understand, step-by-step breakdowns of every technique needed to master low notes and palm key notes, allowing you to confidently play across the whole range of the horn, which means you can finally get rid of those vague, hard-to-understand method books
- You’ll learn the most effective, bang-for-buck exercises that actually work, so you can make the MOST progress in the LEAST time, which means you’re not wasting your precious time on practice routines you’ve always done that don’t work
Here's what other saxophonists just like you are saying...
"I was taught to use the 'lip rolled in over teeth' embouchure. I've been practising the 'lip out' embouchure for a week now and it makes a world of difference. No more sore lip and jaw cramps. Furthermore, my lower notes have improved almost instantly and sound a bit richer and louder already."
- Petra Vertez
If you're here then I already know you're passionate about improving your sax sound, but what are your other options, and what would they cost?
Basically, you’ve got 5 options...
- Option #1 Give up your dream of ever having a great tone
Cost: $0
You wouldn’t still be HERE if you wanted that. You’re here because you want that rich, even sound and you want to feel proud of your tone. You know there must be a way, but HOW?
- Option #2 Take your chances on YouTube
Cost: $0
When I last looked there were over 58 million saxophone videos on YouTube. Have you really got the time to go down that rabbit hole? Especially as most of them are ineffective and irrelevant, and almost none of them have the in-depth hidden knowledge that you really need. I’m sure you know Einstein’s famous quote “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result”.
- Option #3 Get a 1-2-1 teacher
Cost: (1 year at $100/week) $5,200
Unless you strike gold, $40 an hour will get you a local teacher who teaches you how to get a thin sax sound by playing like a clarinetist, and if you can find a real top pro who even teaches, you’re looking at more like 100 to 150 dollars an hour. But even then, despite having a killer tone themselves, they might not have studied the latest scientific data from inside the vocal tract, and might not have the in-depth knowledge you really need.
- Option #4 Buy your way out of it
Cost: $1,700 - $16,000
As we discovered earlier, the gold standard method of improving your tone is to try and buy your way out of it. A new mouthpiece can be anything from $200 to $900 and a new saxophone will cost you anything from $1500 to $15000. And let’s not forget experimenting with reeds at $40 a box or even ligatures from $40 to $400. Does it work? Not really.
Or finally...
Option #5 Buy Total Tone Mastery for just $497
Get instant lifetime access to the most effective, in-depth knowledge available on sound production, so you can learn how to create the pro sax sound you’ve always imagined and feel confident and joyous performing your favourite songs. It's a total no-brainer.
You'll have LIFETIME ACCESS to Total Tone Mastery, but even if you just used it for one year, it's cheaper than 3 cups of coffee PER WEEK! Surely you value your sax sound more than a few cups of Joe a week?!

No Questions Asked 14-Day refund Policy
I’m super confident that you’re gonna LOVE Total Tone Mastery, but if you change your mind, for ANY reason within 14 days of purchase, just drop an email to [email protected]
You’ll get a full refund, no hard feelings and no questions asked.
(Even if you’ve already finished the whole course)
There’s literally zero risk on your part. All I want is happy saxophonists and happy customers

Now, here’s the exciting bit - to take your sound and expression to the next level, I’ve put together a very special Bonuses Package.

4 Extra Modules
(Value $388)
The Bonus Package contains four additional modules that just wouldn’t fit into the main course…
- Subtone And The Low Note Problem so you can master your low notes, vary your tone from full to subtone and perform in the low range with a new feeling of confidence
- The High Note Problem so you can eliminate those frustrating donkey noises and soar into the upper register with a strong, rounded tone
- Mastering Vibrato so you can learn this technique properly from the ground up, which means you can bring that beautiful singing quality to your tone that makes audiences fall in love with saxophone the world over
- Growling so you can get that authentic gravelly sound when you play blues, funk, pop or rock

Bonus MP3s
(Value $32)
You’ll be able to download the 32-track Bonus Package Backings. With these top quality MP3s, you can…
- Play along with the exercises so you keep in tune and in time, which means you’ll feel like you’re jamming with a live band while you master the new techniques you need to create your dream sound
- Work on your mouthpiece drills at the right pitch which means you won’t need to be next to a piano to practice
- Practice your overtones with the drone tracks so you can focus on your sound without wondering if you’re in tune or not
- Play along with the exercises on any saxophone as all the exercises have MP3s for Bb and Eb transpositions

Backstage Hangout
(Value $900 for 5 years)
But on top of the extra modules and MP3s, here’s one of the biggest benefits of the Bonus Package - you’ll have...
lifetime access to the Total Tone Mastery Backstage Hangout
This is a private, Facebook-style community forum, where you can hang out and chat with all the other like-minded saxophonists studying the material -
exactly like real musicians hangout with each other backstage at gigs
...and there’s no additional monthly fees.
You can exchange ideas, share your successes, see if anyone else has been facing the same challenges as you, and
you won’t feel alone
as you make your way through the course and beyond. I’ll even hang out with you guys myself when I get the chance.
But what are these incredible bonuses gonna cost you?
Well, normally these bonuses have a value of $1,320.00, however, you'll get all these bonuses for
So, instead of paying $1,1817.00 for the Basic Package AND the Bonuses, you'll pay just $497
Wait! Surprise Bonus!
As if this wasn't already a complete no-brainer, when you grab this special offer you'll ALSO get my epic PDF mini-book...
Mouthpieces And Reeds For Dummies
As well as an awesome mouthpiece buying guide for any budget, you'll have every question answered you ever had about reeds and mouthpieces!
- How do I choose the right mouthpiece?
- What reed strength should I be using?
- When should I upgrade my mouthpiece?
- Reeds are expensive! How do I make every reed inbox the box play well?
- How do I know what tip opening to use?
- What's a baffle?
- What's the difference between French Cut and American Cut/Filed reeds?
- And MUCH more!

Here's a final reminder of what you'll get for just $497…
Lifetime access to Total Tone Mastery
4 Bonus Mini-Courses (low notes, high notes, vibrato, growling)
Lifetime access to the Total Tone Mastery Backstage Hangout
32 Bonus MP3 backing tracks
14-day, no questions asked, money back guarantee
Mouthpieces And Reeds For Dummies mini-book
If you wanna start creating YOUR dream sound today, just click the join now button below...
You’ll be taken through checkout, and when your payment is made you’ll instantly get an email with a login and password that you can use to get straight into the content and start learning the formula that will help you achieve the rich, full saxophone sound you’ve always imagined.